342A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be爱情专家
787A guy, Frank, on a self-destructive path. A girl, Mali, with an expiration date. What a perfect time to meet and fall in love.忍者刺客
166数千年来,来自东方的忍者刺客只是被当作一个传说,然而柏林的法院调查员米卡(娜奥米·哈里斯 Naomie Harris 饰)在调查一系列政治暗杀案时却把目标锁定在这个传说中古老而又成熟暗杀组织。通过秘密调查,米卡得知一个叫奥祖奴的暗杀集团,而且在一盘监控录像里,米卡看到一张年轻的东方面孔,这个人叫雷藏